Using ODS to Export Output in a Markup Language

Version 9 changes and enhancements are highlighted by a yellow background.



In Release 8.1, using the Output Delivery System (ODS), the experimental ODS XML statement creates XML-formatted documents from SAS procedure output. Similarly, beginning with Release 8.2, the ODS MARKUP statement can create output in a variety of markup languages. ODS MARKUP is experimental in Release 8.2 and is production in Version 9. The file types that you can create include XML (Extensible Markup Language), HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSV (comma separated values), WML (Wireless Markup Language), CHTML (compact HTML), LaTeX (typesetting language), Troff (typesetting language), and many others.

This document explains the ODS MARKUP statement, provides the available values for the TAGSET= option, explains how to specify multiple simultaneous output destinations, and provides examples for exporting markup languages, including XML documents. In addition, this document explains how to download and use updated V8 TAGSETS_TEMPLATE.SAS or V9 TAGSETS_TEMPLATE.SAS (Version 9 is shipped with all available SAS tagsets. If you are running Release 8.2, you can take a peek at the V9 tagsets, but do not attempt to use them.)

In addition to using the tagsets provided by SAS, you can modify the SAS tagsets, and you can create your own. See the tagset syntax documented in a separate article.

ODS MARKUP Statement

The ODS MARKUP statement opens, manages, or closes one destination. If the destination is open, you can create markup output such as HTML or XML. The destination output type for ODS MARKUP is determined by the TAGSET | TYPE= option, which specifies the kind of markup language.

The syntax for the ODS MARKUP statement is as follows:

ODS MARKUP action ;

ODS MARKUP file-specification(s) <options> ;

NOTE: The syntax for ODS MARKUP is basically the same as ODS HTML, except that ODS MARKUP has the TAGSET= option. The STYLESHEET option without an argument is accepted but does nothing. ODS MARKUP defaults to stylesheet behavior, but it is up to each tagset to implement it. See the SAS online documentation for ODS HTML syntax.


An action takes some action regarding selection and exclusion lists or closes the destination. Valid actions include the following:

  • CLOSE closes the destination and any files associated with it.

  • EXCLUDE excludes output objects from the destination.

  • SELECT selects output objects for the destination.

  • SHOW writes to the SAS log the current selection or exclusion list for the destination.

File Specifications

If you do not specify an action, you must use a file specification, which specifies the type of output file and the file to write to. These files remain open until you either close the destination with ODS MARKUP CLOSE or specify another file to write to.

You can specify up to six output files. While each output file has a logical name such as body, contents, frame, each file can be used for anything. It's up to the tagset to use the files appropriately. The specification for these files has the following form, which associates a type of file with a particular output file. NOTE: The value of the TAGSET= option determines the output type, which is the type of markup language for the destination. For example, the markup language can be XML, HTML, and so on. See TAGSET | TYPE= Option.

file-type=file-specification <(file-specification-suboption(s))>

is only a hint for what the tagset might write. The file usage is completely up to the tagset, and there are no hard rules on this end about what will be written or even which files will be written to. The file-type can be one of the following:

indicates that the output file will contain the main output created by ODS MARKUP. For some values of TAGSET=, this output is an HTML file; for other TAGSET= values, the output is an XML document, and so on. You cannot open the destination without specifying a body file. Therefore, BODY= is required or the destination is closed.

indicates that the output file will contain XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) or other relevant style information.

specifies the file that contains the table of contents. It is generally a hierarchical tree that links to each output object in the body file. Used primarily by the HTML tagsets.

specifies a generic file that can contain anything. Currently none of the tagsets use it.

for HTML files, indicates that the output file integrates the table of contents and the body file. If you open a frame file, you see a table of contents and a body file.

specifies the file that contains the table of pages. It is generally a list of links to each page in the body file.

specifies the use of cascading stylesheets, which places the style information in the output file or in a separate external file, or reads style information from an existing external file.

The form in which you specify STYLESHEET= determines the results:

Does nothing. Really. Not even a syntax error. For ODS HTML, this option caused stylesheet information to be written to the output file without creating a separate external file. For ODS MARKUP this behavior is automatic for tagsets that have the embedded_stylesheet attribute set to YES, which is currently only done by the HTML4 tagset.

writes the stylesheet information to the specified external file.

STYLESHEET=file-specification (URL="url")
writes the stylesheet information to the specified external file, with a link to the stylesheet from the body file. This is useful, for example, to put stylesheets in a central storage area, like

creates a link from the body file to a previously-created stylesheet but does not create a style sheet.

TIP: To produce only a stylesheet (that is, no body file), you can execute the following. Note that the output destination will close and you will receive a warning that there is no body file.

     ods htmlcss stylesheet='mytagsets.css';

identifies the output file or SAS catalog to write it. It can be one of the following:

is the physical location of the external file to write to. Include the complete pathname, file name, and appropriate extension.

is the SAS name that is associated with the physical location of the external file to write to. Use the FILENAME statement to assign a fileref.

provide instructions for writing the markup files. Specify these options inside parentheses next to the file specification in the FILE=, CONTENTS=, or FRAME= argument.

File specification suboptions include NO_BOTTOM_MATTER, NO_TOP_MATTER, URL=, and DYNAMIC. See the ODS HTML documentation of these file specification suboptions.


The options for ODS MARKUP are basically the same as the documented options for ODS HTML. For example, you can use the ANCHOR= option to specify the base name for the markup anchor tag that identifies each output object in the body file, and you can use the PATH= option to specify the location for the output files. For a list and an explanation of the available options, see the documentation for the ODS HTML statement.

ODS MARKUP, however, has an additional option, which is the TAGSET= option and is explained here.


The syntax for the TAGSET= option is as follows:

specifies a keyword value for a tagset, which is a template that defines how to create a markup language output type from SAS format. Templates are created by the TEMPLATE procedure and are stored in an item store. For example, specifying TAGSET=PHTML produces a basic HTML output. If you do not specify a TAGSET= value, ODS MARKUP defaults to XML output.

The values for TAGSET= can be one of the following, which are the tagsets (templates) supplied by SAS:

produces a compact, minimal HTML that does not use style information. It does produce a hierarchical table of contents. For more information, see Compact HTML for Small Information Appliances.

produces color LaTeX, which is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It also generates a stylesheet. The output can be rendered to PDF. For more information, see LaTeX: A document preparation system.

produces comma separated values output, which contains columns of data that are separated by commas. CSV produces the tabular output only.

produces comma separated values output, which contains columns of data that are separated by commas. CSVALL produces the tabular output with titles, notes, and bylines.

produces comma separated values output, which contains columns of data that are separated by commas. CSVBYLINE includes bylines.

is the default value and produces XML markup, referred to as ODSXML.

produces XML output that conforms to the DocBook DTD by OASIS. For more information, see DocBook Homepage.

creates XML output that shows which events are being triggered and which variables are used by an event to send output from a SAS process to an output file. When you run a SAS process with EVENT_MAP, ODS writes XML markup to an output file that shows all event names and variable names as tags. The output helps you to create your own tagsets.

to be used for SAS/GRAPH output in a later release.

produces XML output for use with the SAS/GRAPH GTableApplet.

to be used for embedded stylesheets. HTML4 will replace ODS HTML in Version 10.

produces HTML that is similar to ODS HTML with cascading stylesheets.

produces HTML that is basically a column of output, separated by lines. This tagset is used by the Japanese telephone service provider (NTT). For more information, see All about i-mode and Mobile Media Japan.

produces LaTeX, which is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It also generates a stylesheet. The output can be rendered to PDF. For more information, see LaTeX: A document preparation system.

produces LaTeX, which is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. LATEX2 does not require stylesheets. For more information, see LaTeX: A document preparation system.

creates HTML output like STYLE_POPUP but with all the objects labeled similar to ODS TRACE. The output helps you to understand ODS and styles.

creates PROC TEMPLATE code for STYLESHEET= file specification. The output helps you to create and modify styles.

produces a basic HTML that uses twelve style elements and no class attributes.

produces PYX, which is a simple, line-oriented notation used by Pyxie to describe the information communicated by an XML parser to an XML application. Pyxie is an Open Source library for processing XML with the Python programming language. For more information, see Pyxie.

produces generic XML markup.

produces generic XML markup.

produces XML markup that is similar to the Oracle8iXML implementation used by ORACLE but is more generic. (Note that this is the tagset used by the SAS XML LIBNAME engine for XMLTYPE=GENERIC.)

produces very simple HTML markup. (Note that this is the tagset used by the SAS XML LIBNAME engine for XMLTYPE=HTML.)

produces XML markup that is supported by the Open Information Model (Database Schema Model) proposed by the Metadata Coalition (MDC) as vendor- and technology-independent, conforming to the 1.0 specification. (Note that this is the tagset used by the SAS XML LIBNAME engine for XMLTYPE=OIMDBM.)

produces XML markup that is equivalent to the Oracle8iXML implementation, which is used by ORACLE. (Note that this is the tagset used by the SAS XML LIBNAME engine for XMLTYPE=ORACLE.)

creates a subset of the XML output that is created by EVENT_MAP.

creates HTML like STYLE_POPUP but produces a sample page of output for you to click. The output helps you to create and modify styles.

creates HTML like HTMLCSS, but if you're using Internet Explorer, STYLE_POPUP displays a window that shows the resolved ODS style definition for any item that you click. The output helps you to understand ODS and styles.

creates text output as an alternative to EVENT_MAP that shows which events are being triggered as ODS handles the output objects.

creates HTML output similar to EVENT_MAP but lists only a subset of the possible attributes. The information is in a bulleted list. The output helps you to understand tagsets and styles.

creates XML output similar to EVENT_MAP but lists only a subset of the possible attributes. The output helps you to understand tagsets and styles.

produces Troff markup, which is a text-formatting programming language for high-quality photo-typesetters and laser printers. For more information, see Troff Resources, GNU Troff Info, Online Groff Resources, and Groff (GNU Troff) - a GNU project,

uses the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) to produce a Wireless Markup Language (WML) DTD with a simple href list for a table of contents. For more information, see Wireless Application Protocol.

uses the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) to produce a Wireless Markup Language (WML) DTD with an option list for the table of contents. For more information, see Wireless Application Protocol.

Additional and Updated Markup Tagsets

For Version 9, ODS increases the number of SAS tagsets, which are listed below. To get a list of tagset names, issue these SAS statements:

   proc template;
      list tagsets;

                   Listing of: SASHELP.TMPLMST
                   Path Filter is: Tagsets
                   Sort by: PATH/ASCENDING

                   Obs    Path                       Type
                    1     Tagsets                    Dir
                    2     Tagsets.Chtml              Tagset 
                    3     Tagsets.Colorlatex         Tagset
                    4     Tagsets.Csv                Tagset
                    5     Tagsets.Csvall             Tagset
                    6     Tagsets.Csvbyline          Tagset
                    7     Tagsets.Default            Tagset
                    8     Tagsets.Docbook            Tagset
                    9     Tagsets.Event_map          Tagset
                   10     Tagsets.GTableApplet       Tagset
                   11     Tagsets.Graph              Tagset
                   12     Tagsets.Html4              Tagset
                   13     Tagsets.Htmlcss            Tagset
                   14     Tagsets.Imode              Tagset
                   15     Tagsets.Latex              Tagset
                   16     Tagsets.Latex2             Tagset
                   17     Tagsets.Mvshtml            Tagset
                   18     Tagsets.Namedhtml          Tagset
                   19     Tagsets.Odsstyle           Tagset
                   20     Tagsets.Phtml              Tagset
                   21     Tagsets.Pyx                Tagset
                   22     Tagsets.SASReport          Tagset
                   23     Tagsets.Sasxmiss           Tagset
                   24     Tagsets.Sasxmnsp           Tagset
                   25     Tagsets.Sasxmog            Tagset
                   26     Tagsets.Sasxmoh            Tagset
                   27     Tagsets.Sasxmoim           Tagset
                   28     Tagsets.Sasxmor            Tagset
                   29     Tagsets.Sasxmphp           Tagset
                   30     Tagsets.Short_map          Tagset
                   31     Tagsets.Statgraph          Tagset
                   32     Tagsets.Style_display      Tagset
                   33     Tagsets.Style_popup        Tagset
                   34     Tagsets.Text_map           Tagset
                   35     Tagsets.Tpl_style_list     Tagset
                   36     Tagsets.Tpl_style_map      Tagset
                   37     Tagsets.Troff              Tagset
                   38     Tagsets.Wml                Tagset
                   39     Tagsets.Wmlolist           Tagset
                   40     Tagsets.sasFMT             Tagset
                   41     Tagsets.sasXML             Tagset
                   42     Tagsets.sasioXML           Tagset

By default, PROC TEMPLATE lists the tagsets in SASHELP.TMPLMST and SASUSER.TEMPLAT (if it exists). Typically, SASHELP.TMPLMST is a read-only item store for the SAS tagsets, and SASUSER.TEMPLAT is the item store for user-defined tagsets.

If you are running Release 8.2, you may want to download additional tagset definitions and modifications that were developed after the release was shipped. (Version 9 is shipped with all available SAS tagsets.)

NOTE: In a network environment, typically you will not have update access to SASHELP.TMPLMST. When you update your tagsets, if you do not have update access, SAS creates a tagsets directory in the default item store SASUSER.TEMPLAT. If you have any problems, see the SAS System Administrator at your site.

To obtain the updated tagsets:

  1. Click V8 TAGSETS_TEMPLATE.SAS or V9 TAGSETS_TEMPLATE.SAS and save to a file.

  2. From SAS, issue the INCLUDE command to copy the contents of the file to a SAS window.

  3. Submit the code.

Once the tagsets are built, issue these SAS statements to get a list of the updated tagset names:

   proc template;
      list tagsets;

The following list of tagsets shows the updated tagsets in SASUSER.TEMPLAT and the original tagsets in SASHELP.TMPLMST. This will vary depending upon the version of SAS you are running.

                     The SAS System                                1

          Listing of: SASUSER.TEMPLAT
          Path Filter is: Tagsets
          Sort by: PATH/ASCENDING

          Obs    Path                       Type
           1     Tagsets                    Dir
           2     Tagsets.Chtml              Tagset
           3     Tagsets.Colorlatex         Tagset
           4     Tagsets.Csv                Tagset
           5     Tagsets.Csvall             Tagset
           6     Tagsets.Csvbyline          Tagset
           7     Tagsets.Default            Tagset
           8     Tagsets.Docbook            Tagset
           9     Tagsets.Event_map          Tagset
          10     Tagsets.GTableApplet       Tagset
          11     Tagsets.Graph              Tagset
          12     Tagsets.Html4              Tagset
          13     Tagsets.Htmlcss            Tagset
          14     Tagsets.Imode              Tagset
          15     Tagsets.Latex              Tagset
          16     Tagsets.Latex2             Tagset
          17     Tagsets.Mvshtml            Tagset
          18     Tagsets.Namedhtml          Tagset
          19     Tagsets.Odsstyle           Tagset
          20     Tagsets.Phtml              Tagset
          21     Tagsets.Pyx                Tagset
          22     Tagsets.SASReport          Tagset
          23     Tagsets.Sasxmiss           Tagset
          24     Tagsets.Sasxmnsp           Tagset
          25     Tagsets.Sasxmog            Tagset
          26     Tagsets.Sasxmoh            Tagset
          27     Tagsets.Sasxmoim           Tagset
          28     Tagsets.Sasxmor            Tagset
          29     Tagsets.Sasxmphp           Tagset
          30     Tagsets.Short_map          Tagset
          31     Tagsets.Statgraph          Tagset
          32     Tagsets.Style_display      Tagset
          33     Tagsets.Style_popup        Tagset
          34     Tagsets.Text_map           Tagset
          35     Tagsets.Tpl_style_list     Tagset
          36     Tagsets.Tpl_style_map      Tagset
          37     Tagsets.Troff              Tagset
          38     Tagsets.Wml                Tagset
          39     Tagsets.Wmlolist           Tagset
          40     Tagsets.sasFMT             Tagset
          41     Tagsets.sasXML             Tagset
          42     Tagsets.sasioXML           Tagset

          Listing of: SASHELP.TMPLMST
          Path Filter is: Tagsets
          Sort by: PATH/ASCENDING

          Obs    Path                   Type
          1     Tagsets                Dir
          2     Tagsets.Chtml          Tagset
          3     Tagsets.Colorlatex     Tagset
          4     Tagsets.Csv            Tagset
          5     Tagsets.Csvall         Tagset
          6     Tagsets.Default        Tagset
          7     Tagsets.Docbook        Tagset
          8     Tagsets.Event_map      Tagset
          9     Tagsets.Graph          Tagset
         10     Tagsets.Htmlcss        Tagset
         11     Tagsets.Imode          Tagset
         12     Tagsets.Latex          Tagset
         13     Tagsets.Phtml          Tagset
         14     Tagsets.Pyx            Tagset
         15     Tagsets.Sasxmog        Tagset
         16     Tagsets.Sasxmoh        Tagset
         17     Tagsets.Sasxmoim       Tagset
         18     Tagsets.Sasxmor        Tagset
         19     Tagsets.Troff          Tagset
         20     Tagsets.Wml            Tagset
         21     Tagsets.Wmlolist       Tagset
         22     Tagsets.sasXML         Tagset
         23     Tagsets.sasioXML       Tagset

Creating and Customizing Tagsets

In addition to using the tagsets provided by SAS, you can create your own tagsets, and you can customize any of the SAS tagsets.

To create a new tagset definition, you use the TEMPLATE procedure and store it in an item store (which is a SAS file that stores definitions). Then, you can specify the name of your own tagset to create markup output.

See Creating Customized Tagsets to Use with ODS and XML LIBNAME Engine for documentation on how to create, customize, and use your own tagset.

Specifying Multiple ODS Destinations

The ODS MARKUP statement opens or closes one destination. Like all single output destinations, you can have only one ODS MARKUP destination open at once, unless you use the ID= option. (For information about the ID= option, see the SAS online documentation.)

However, you can specify multiple simultaneous ODS destinations to produce multiple markup output by

  • specifying some of the TAGSET= value keywords as a destination

  • specifying any two-level tagset name, such as TAGSETS.PYX, TAGSETS.STYLE_DISPLAY, or one of your own tagset names.

Specifying a Tagset Keyword as an ODS Destination

For several tagset keywords, you can specify them as ODS destinations. The tagset determines the type of markup. For example, either of the following set of statements are acceptable:

   ods markup body='C:\My Documents\html\class.html' tagset=phtml;
   ods markup close;


   ods phtml body='C:\My Documents\html\class.html';
   ods phtml close;

Note, however, that the following is not acceptable, because SAS considers ODS MARKUP and ODS PHTML as separate destinations:

   ods markup body='C:\My Documents\html\class.html' tagset=phtml;
   ods phtml close;

The tagsets that you can specify as both a TAGSET= value for ODS MARKUP or as a separate ODS destination are:

  • CSV
  • HTML4
  • WML

Specifying a Two-Level Tagset Name as an ODS Destination

You can open a destination and specify the markup that you want to produce by naming the two-level tagset name. You can specify all tagsets in this manner. For example:

  ods tagsets.sasioxml body='C:\My Documents\xml\test1.xml';
  ods tagsets.mytagset body='C:\My Documents\xml\test2.xml';
  ods _all_ close;

You can also specify tagset names as follows:

   ods markup type=tagsets.sasioxml body='C:\My Documents\xml\test.xml';

Examples: Creating ODS Markup Output

Exporting a Simple XML Document

The following is a simple ODS MARKUP example that creates XML markup from PRINT procedure output. The TAGSET= option for the ODS MARKUP statement is not specified, which defaults to the tagset ODSXML.

   ods listing close;

   ods markup body='C:\My Documents\xml\class.xml';

   proc print data=sashelp.class;

   ods markup close;

Here's the output XML document: CLASS.XML.

Creating an XML Document and a DTD

The following ODS MARKUP example creates an XML document and its DTD-related information document from PROC UNIVARIATE output.

   libname myfiles 'C:\My Documents\myfiles';

   ods listing close;

   ods markup body='C:\My Documents\xml\statepop.xml'
              frame='C:\My Documents\xml\statepop.dtd' tagset=default;

   proc univariate data=myfiles.statepop;
      var citypop_90 citypop_80;
      title 'US Census of Population and Housing';

   ods markup close;

Here's the XML document: STATEPOP.XML


Creating Multiple Markup Output

The following ODS example creates both an XML document and HTML output from the same procedure output. To create two markup outputs requires two ODS destinations. Because ODS MARKUP is considered one destination, you cannot specify two tagsets. However, you can specify one output using ODS MARKUP, then specify the other using ODS syntax in which you specify the tagset as the destination.

   ods listing close;

   ods markup body='procprint.xml';
   ods chtml body='procprint.html';

   proc print data=sashelp.class;

   ods _all_ close;

Here's the output XML document: procprint.xml

Here's the output HTML: procprint.html

Specifying Tagset Names as ODS Destinations

Specifying tagsets and two-level tagset names as destinations allow you to open and close multiple destinations, producing multiple markup output. For example:

   ods htmlcss file='C:\My Documents\test1.html';
   ods phtml file='C:\My Documents\test2.html';
   ods chtml file='C:\My Documents\test3.html';
   ods markup file='C:\My Documents\test1.xml';
   ods tagsets.event_map  file='C:\My Documents\test2.xml';
      . SAS statements
   ods htmlcss close;
      . more SAS statements
   ods chtml close;
      . more SAS statements
   ods _all_ close;

Your Turn

The ODS developers, testers, and documenters are very excited about the potential of these new capabilities. You can send electronic mail to with your comments.

Last Updated: April 24, 2002