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Automate the Creation and Manipulation of Word Processor Ready SAS Output

Izabella Peszek and Robert Peszek

Izabella Peszek works as a senior biometrician at Merck and Co. Previously, Iza worked as a senior statistician for Ohmeda, Inc. A SAS user for nine years, her interests include statistical programming, graphical presentation of clinical data, and automation of the report writing. Iza holds a Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Maryland and an M.S. in applied mathematics from the University of Wroclaw, Poland.

Robert Peszek works as a lead analyst at Quality Software Systems Inc. His current areas of expertise and interests are design of software systems and SAS, Java, and PowerBuilder programming. He has a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from the University of Maryland and is a certified developer in Java and PowerBuilder. Robert has been using SAS software for five years. Robert and Iza have been married for 12 years.


This paper presents an automated approach to the production and manipulation of word processor ready tables using a combination of SAS and WordBasic macros. The presented SAS macro creates Rich Text Format (RTF) files in a DATA _NULL_ step. Such files can be opened in any word processor equipped with an RTF converter. Manipulation of SAS generated tables and graphs using WordBasic macros is discussed. The use of such techniques eliminates the need for manual word processing of SAS outputs, resulting in cost and resource savings and in improving the quality and accuracy of reports.


  Creating RTF files in SAS Software
  Automating Manipulation of SAS Outputs
  Developing Other Solutions with Microsoft Office
  Appendix A - Macro %RTF Code and Specifications
  Appendix B - About the Word Macro InsertAllFiles
  Appendix C - Macro InsertAllFiles for Word 97
    Appendix C.1 - Macro Code
    Appendix C.2 - Template Text
  Appendix D - Macro InsertAllFiles for Word 6.0/95
    Appendix D.1 - Macro Code
    Appendix D.2 - Template Text


There was a time when SAS programmers did not need to worry too much about the formatting of their outputs. Reports were produced with courier font and everybody was happy. Today, the customers are much more demanding and want SAS outputs to be not only accurate and interesting but also eye-pleasing. In many cases, tabulations and graphics produced with SAS software are word processed to become a part of a bigger document. As you read this, someone is probably re-entering numbers from a SAS produced table to create a more appealing one. In many companies, a whole staff of secretaries and proofreaders are employed for just this purpose. This is costly and creates an opportunity for keying errors.

For that reason, people are trying to come up with innovative ways of transforming SAS generated tables into great looking documents with minimal word processing. Microsoft Office, Perfect Office, and Lotus Smart Suite became industry standards for document processing, and it seems natural to use them for this purpose. This can be done in many ways. Seidman and Aster proposed using Microsoft Word templates and WordBasic macros. Their idea was to produce a very simple DATA _NULL_ ASCII output, which can be read into an MS Word template. Special characters are inserted in DATA _NULL_ to mark places where different formatting is to be applied via MS Word macros. Another approach is to use the ODBC interface to read a SAS table into a Microsoft Access database and link this MS Access table to MS Word. We tried these methods and found them useful, yet both methods have some drawbacks. First of all, a considerable programming effort is required for each new table, which makes automation problematic. Second, these methods are not easily implemented by an average SAS programmer because some proficiency is required in VisualBasic, WordBasic, and MS Access programming. There are also some concerns about the system stability because the full automation would require flipping control between SAS and other applications.

We propose here yet another approach, which is versatile and easy to implement. Our method is to use a SAS DATA _NULL_ step to produce a document with Rich Text Format (RTF) specification. The RTF specification is a method of encoding formatted text and graphics for easy transfer between applications. An RTF file consists of unformatted text, control words, control symbols, and groups (readers familiar with LaTeX or TeX will find many similarities between them and the RTF). Most word processors can convert RTF files into their native format, which makes RTF files platform- and application-portable. That is, the same output can be opened in MS Word, WordPerfect, or other word processor equipped with an RTF converter (even on different operating system) with no loss of formatting. Of course, not all SAS programmers are familiar with the RTF language, and we wanted a method that can be widely useful, so we developed a SAS macro to assist us in creation of RTF files. You need only to learn the syntax of this macro to be able to write RTF files. This macro is used within a DATA _NULL_ step in a way very similar to the regular PUT statement, and it is quite easy to learn. The unformatted text is inserted with a PUT statement, while macro variables provide appropriate control words and symbols. Moreover, users familiar with RTF language can easily expand the macro to suit their needs.

We describe the usage of this macro in a simple example in "Creating RTF files in SAS Software". Appendix A lists the code of the macro and a detailed technical description. During extensive user testing at Merck Research Labs, this macro went through a series of improvements. Several SAS programmers with different levels of SAS skills used it and proposed changes and enhancements. Its present shape reflects their experience.

When we started mass production of MS Word ready SAS outputs (tables and graphs), we learned one lesson: a large number of outputs is difficult to manage manually! If you want to insert 100 tables (some of them in portrait, others in landscape) and 50 graphs into one document, or if you simply want to print them, be prepared for a long and tedious task! Thus, the next natural step for us was to automate this common file manipulation. Again, we tried a couple of methods and decided that using MS Word macro capabilities was the most feasible. MS Word macros can be extremely useful to a SAS programmer. They can range from very simple to very complicated. A few lines of code can accomplish simple tasks, such as printing all files in a certain directory with one mouse click or automatic formatting of standard SAS outputs upon opening in MS Word. The latter operation could amount to applying courier font when *.lis file is opened, or you can get more fancy and try to automatically determine (and set) an appropriate font size and page orientation. Once you start thinking along these lines, you will probably find many ways to cut down on manual labor and make your work more efficient using macro tricks. Some ideas that worked for us are presented in later sections. They include automation of the file inserting and file comparison processes.

Creating RTF files in SAS Software

The following example illustrates the concept behind RTF programming in SAS software. We start with a simple table produced in a traditional way using a PUT statement.

Example 1

      /* Create a simple data set to use with the table */
   data test;
   input name trt n mean std median ;
   1  1      69    32.8841    12.5047      31
   1  2      67    34.6119    13.7631      33
   1  3     136    33.7353    13.1195      31
   2  1      69    67.2464     4.0959      66
   2  2      67    67.2090     3.7961      67
   2  3     136    67.2279     3.9365      66

   proc sort; by name trt;

   proc format;
   value namefmt 1 = 'Age (years)'
                 2 = 'Height (in)';
   value trtfmt  1 = 'Control               '
                 2 = 'Experimental Test Drug'
                 3 = 'All                   ';

   %let title1 = Simple Summary Statistics;

   data _null_;
   file 'u:\test.txt';
   set test end=eof ;
     by name trt;

     titel1 = "&title1";
      line1 =   repeat("_", 80);
        /* center titles on the page */
     t1 = (90 - length(titel1))/2;
        /*define starting location for each column */
     c1 = 1;
     c2 = 17;
     c3 = 43;
     c4 = 51;
     c5 = 70;

   if _n_=1 then do;
      put    @t1 titel1;
      put /  @c1 line1;
      put /  @c1 'Variable' @c2 'Treatment' @c3+2 'N' @c4+2 'Mean ± SD'
             @c5 'Median';
      put /  @c1 line1;

   if last.name then put ;
   if first.name then put @c1 name namefmt. @;
    put @c2 trt  trtfmt.
        @c3  N 3.
        @c4 mean 5.2 + 1 '±' +1 std 5.2
        @c5 median 5. ;
   if last.name then put  @c1 line1;

Figure 1 shows the table produced by this code. To preserve a proper alignment of the columns, when inserting in a MS Word document, the font used for this table has to be fixed size, for example, courier.

Figure 1

                               Simple Summary Statistics


   Variable        Treatment                   N       Mean ± SD       Median

   Age (years)     Control                    69     32.88 ± 12.50        31
                   Experimental Test Drug     67     34.61 ± 13.76        33

                   All                       136     33.74 ± 13.12        31
   Height (in)     Control                    69     67.25 ±  4.10        66
                   Experimental Test Drug     67     67.21 ±  3.80        67

                   All                       136     67.23 ±  3.94        66

We will now demonstrate how such a table can be produced using the macro %RTF. Although the code looks much more complicated, using this macro allows for a great flexibility in table formatting (as we discuss later).

   /* We assume that macro rtf has been compiled. */

   0001  data _null_;
   0002  file 'c:\test.rtf';
   0003  set test end=eof ;
   0004    by name trt;
   0006  if _n_=1 then do;
   0007    %rtf(0); * initialize table;
   0008    %rtf(1, b=0); * define a row with 1 column, no borders;
   0009      put &bc "&title1" &e;
   0010     ∥  * insert empty line;
   0011    %rtf(5, 2 3 1 2 1, b=1, h=a, v=a, s=120 120);
   0012     * define a row with 5 columns, with borders (vertical and
   0013    horizontal);
   0014     put &bc 'Variable' &cc 'Treatment' &cc 'N' &cc 'Mean ± SD'
   0015         &cc  'Median' &e;
   0016  end;
   0018  if first.name then do;
   0019    %rtf(5, 2 3 1 2 1, b=1, v=a); * horizontal border turned off;
   0020  end;
   0022  if last.name then do;
   0023    %rtf(5, 2 3 1 2 1, b=1, v=a);
   0024      put &nl;
   0025    %rtf(5, 2 3 1 2 1, b=1, v=a, h=a); * horizontal border turned on;
   0026  end;
   0028  if first.name then put &bl name namefmt. @;
   0029    else put &bl @;
   0031   put &cl trt  trtfmt.
   0032       &cc  N 3.
   0033       &cc mean 5.2 +1 '±' +1 std 5.2
   0034       &cc median 5. &e;
   0036  if eof then do;
   0037     %rtf(100);  * close table;
   0038  end;
   0039  run;

Figure 2 shows that the output from this program, when opened in an ASCII editor, looks formidable.

Figure 2: The RTF File Code

{\rtf1\ansi \deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Times New Roman;}
{\f1\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Symbol;}}
\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 Table 2\cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 Simple Summary Statistics\cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\qc\sb120\sa120 Variable\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb120\sa120 Treatment
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb120\sa120 N\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb120\sa120 Mean ± SD
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb120\sa120 Median\cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 Age (years)\cell\pard\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 Control
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 69\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 32.88 ± 12.50
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 31\cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 Experimental Test Drug\cell
\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 67\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 34.61 ± 13.76\cell
\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 33\cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 \cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 All
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 136\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 33.74 ± 13.12
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 31\cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 Height (in)\cell\pard\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 Control
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 69\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 67.25 ± 4.10\cell
\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 66\cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 Experimental Test Drug\cell\pard
\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 67\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 67.21 ± 3.80\cell\pard\intbl
\qc\sb30\sa30 67\cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 \cell\intbl\row\pard
\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 \cell\pard\intbl\ql\sb30\sa30 All
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 136\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 67.23 ± 3.94
\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb30\sa30 66\cell\intbl\row\pard
\pard\par }

The same output opened in MS Word is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

Simple Summary Statistics
Variable Treatment N Mean ± SD Median
Age (years) Control
Experimental Test Drug


32.88 ± 12.50
34.61 ± 13.76

67.25 ± 4.10

Height (in) Control
Experimental Test Drug


67.25 ± 4.10
67.21 ± 3.80

67.23 ± 3.94


We will shortly explain the meaning of the macro variables in the above program. Detailed technical specifications for macro %RTF are in Appendix A. The syntax is very similar to the regular PUT statement, but there are, however, some important differences and rules that must be followed. Each table starts with the table declaration (or initialization) that has the form %RTF(0) (see line 0007). After that, each row is written line-by-line and the format of each row has to be defined. The first positional parameter defines how many columns the row will contain. In line 0008, we define a row with just one column. This column will be centered on the page. If the row has two or more columns, we need to specify the relative widths of the columns. For example, in line 0011, we defined a row of five columns with relative widths 2,3,1,2, and 1. That means that the whole width of the page (minus margins, which are set by default to 1.25" on both sides) is divided proportionally among five columns as follows. The first column is twice as wide as the third one, the second column is three times as wide as the third one, and so on.

The parameter B defines outer borders. We set B=0 if we want a row with no borders (for example, title row) and B=1 if outer borders are desired. The parameters V and H specify inner borders. If H=A, as in line 0011, then the row will have a horizontal border at the bottom of each cell; we could set H=1 3 to get a horizontal border at the bottom of the first and the third cell. The vertical borders are defined similarly. The default line style for the borders is single. Appendix A shows how to specify a double-line border. We could also request borders at the top of the cells.

There is one additional parameter, S, in line 0011. This parameter takes two integers and specifies how much space we want between the text and the top (first integer) and bottom (second integer) of the cell. In most cases, default spacing works just fine. For aesthetic reasons, we decided to space table headers wider than the body of the table.

The row definition stays in effect for each line of output until macro %RTF is invoked again. In our example, we wanted to separate the header from the table and Age from Height using horizontal borders. For that reason, we invoke macro %RTF when first.name condition is true (to turn bottom borders off using a default value H=0 in line 0019) and again when the last.name condition is true (to turn bottom borders on using H=A in line 0025).

After we defined the row appearance, we place data in the cells using a familiar PUT statement. A very important difference from the regular PUT statement is that we use the macro variables &Bl , &BC, &BR , &Cl , &CC, and &CR at the beginning of each cell. The variables &Bl, &BC, and &BR are used only for the first cell in the row; the variables &Cl, &CC, and &CR are used for the remaining cells (if there are more than one). These variables, besides initializing the cell, define the justification of a text within a cell. The variables &Bl, &BC, and &BR request left-justified, centered, and right-justified placement, respectively. The variables &Cl, &CC, and &CR are defined similarly. In our example, the text is left-justified in the first two columns (lines 28-31) and centered in the remaining ones (lines 32-34). Sometimes you may prefer a decimal alignment to improve on the appearance of the numbers. The variables &Dl1, &Dl2, and so on, discussed in the Appendix, serve this purpose. The &B* or &C* variables, as appropriate, must be used for every cell in a row. If the number of &B*/&C* variables does not match the current number of columns, an error occurs and MS Word crashes upon opening of the document. In line 0029, we demonstrate how to an create empty cell without violating this requirement. Another important feature is that every row ends with a keyword &E.

The variable &PAR inserts a paragraph mark (line break). We used it in line 0010 to separate the borderless row with the title from the table proper. The variable &NL in line 0024 creates a row with all cells empty. An alternative way to create such a row would be

   put &bc &bl &bl &bl &bl &e;

The final point is that we use a mandatory %RTF(100) statement at the end of our table (after writing the last line).

We describe here the most basic features of the RTF programming in SAS. There are many more options available. For example, you may use exotic symbols, format text as italic, bold or underline, subscript or superscript, or vary font size. The wrapping of text within a cell happens automatically -- you will never have to worry about overflowing long character variables! The pages can have portrait or landscape orientation and the orientation can vary within the same output.

It should be pointed out that users can easily expand our macro to suit their needs. For example, we defined only two basic fonts (times new roman and symbol) because these are the only fonts that we use for our outputs. More fonts can be added easily to accommodate different needs. Users familiar with the RTF language can also use a PUT statement with direct RTF statements (for example, RTF keywords \b and \b0 turn bold formatting on and off).

Please note that it is not recommended to edit RTF files inside MS Word. This is because MS Word encodes an RTF file in a way different from our macro, and unexpected results may occur when you save your changes. Before you attempt editing, you should save an RTF document as an MS Word document.

The only noticeable drawback of RTF programming within SAS Software is that some errors in the RTF file may cause MS Word to crash, and repeated crashes of MS Word in the same session may eventually crash the system. It is almost impossible for beginners to avoid making errors while writing RTF files, so save your work before opening a newly created RTF output! The admiration in the eyes of customers, when they see your impressive outputs, is well worth these growing pains.

Automating Manipulation of SAS Outputs

When complex reports are generated, a great number of SAS outputs (graphs, tables, listings, analysis outputs, and so on) needs to be word processed. This is usually a tedious task, especially if a final document consists of different types of SAS outputs. We created a MS Word macro InsertAllFiles that greatly reduces manual effort required to insert multiple files into one document. This macro was created to work with Word documents, *.RTF files, and graphics generated in CGM format. However, it can be easily modified to work with any other types of documents. The installation instructions for this macro are given in Appendix B.

The basic idea is to create a list of files to be manipulated and to insert files from this list into a new MS Word document. The list is created by point-and-click in the displayed dialog box (see Figure 4). Before the file is inserted, its orientation is determined. If necessary, a section break is created in the new document and orientation of the new section is set to match the orientation of the currently processed file. Graphs (that is, *.CGM files) are inserted as pictures in an orientation of the user's choice. All this is handled automatically.

Figure 4 presents the dialog box that is displayed by the InsertAllFiles macro. Objects on the left side let us display files in a specific directory (in an alphabetical order) and are used in a way similar to Windows' File Manager. Combo-box File Filter is used to filter file extensions. The list is created and displayed in a box on the right side using push-buttons Add All, Add, Up, Down, Remove, Remove All; These buttons also let us rearrange the order of the items on the list. If the alphabetical order of the files matches the order desired in the document, we could create a list with a single click on the button Add All.

The remaining buttons and boxes are used for advanced options. The user may request that a header with a full path and filename is inserted before the file itself. Files can be also inserted as LINKS (readers not familiar with this useful feature are referred to Microsoft Word Help). This comes in handy if the same set of programs generating outputs is run more than once. A master file with all the reports needs to be created only once; when the next set of reports is generated, one needs only to update links in the master document to replace the outputs with the new ones. Note that if the LINKS box is checked, graphs are inserted into document as links with an option that will save a copy in the document. This is done so that the graphs do not disappear when the link is broken.

Figure 4: A Snapshot of the InsertAllFiles Dialog Window

One of the limitations of the MS Word graphic editor is that it corrupts *.CGM pictures containing rotated text. For that reason, it is sometimes convenient to store titles of the graphs produced in SAS in a separate document to allow for their editing (we usually employ the macro %RTF to generate an RTF file with the graph title in the same program as the graph itself). It is convenient to store the graph and its title in the files with the same name but with different extensions, for example, GRAPH1.CGM and GRAPH1.TTl. If the user specifies the extension of files containing graph titles in a combo-box, macro InsertAllFiles recognizes the files with graph titles and does not create page breaks after these files, so that graph and its title are on the same page. The Switch Order of Graphs and Titles push button automatically rearranges the list so that graph titles precede graphs (*.CGM precedes *.TTl when listed alphabetically ). This button switches the order of neighboring files if

  1. both files have the same name
  2. the extension of the first file matches the extension specified in the box
  3. the extension of the second file is CGM.

Once MS Word finishes inserting files from the list, the control is returned to MS Word. At this point, the document can be saved, printed, or edited.

Using Save Settings and Restore Settings push buttons, the user can save the information about the order and format of inserted documents in an external file. This way, it is possible to prepare the report ahead of time and rerun it with one push of a button. The user can perform part of the work at one time, save settings needed to reproduce the task, and continue work or modify these settings latter.

It should be noted that in some operating environments memory limitations cause MS Word to lock if you try to insert too many files. If this happens, the message "Error: File could not be found" appears. It is best to limit the size of the list to 40-50 files. By experimenting, you will quickly learn how many files can be safely processed at a time.

Developing Other Time Saving Solutions with Microsoft Office

There are many ways in which SAS users can draw on the power of Microsoft Office. In this section we present some ideas we found useful, leaving the programming details to the creativity of the reader.

Sometimes users need to verify that a the new graph matches a graph generated in the past. The eye-balling technique may not reveal all the subtle differences so some more sensitive methods of comparisons are needed. While MS Word allows for relatively easy comparison of documents, it cannot handle the comparison of graphic objects. There may be specialized graphic software that is capable of comparing graphic objects, but it is not widely available. We use a simple trick in PowerPoint to accomplish this task. The reason for using PowerPoint is that its graphic editor can recolor imported graphic objects. We insert both the old and the new graphs in a blank PowerPoint slide (resizing them if necessary)) and recolor the new one in red while the old one is left black. After we align the graphs, the top graph should cover the bottom one, and we should see only one color if the graphs are identical. The next slide inverts the layer so that the graph that was on the bottom is now on the top. If the two graphs are identical, then the first slide will be monochromatic black and the second one will be monochromatic red. It is fairly easy to spot the differences because they will appear as a two-colored slide.

Of course, you could superimpose two sheets of paper and view them against a source of light to achieve the same trick. However, we can use the described algorithm in a macro that can process a large number of graphs and greatly simplify the work. Office 97 supports PowerPoint Basic, and such a macro program can be implemented directly in PowerPoint. Older versions of PowerPoint do not support macros. Instead, we can write a WordBasic macro and use a SendKeys command to perform tasks in PowerPoint. We find it useful to employ two kinds of macros: the individual comparisons and the list comparisons. The first type compares a graph selected in a MS Word document with the one stored in an external file. The second macro creates the list that consists of the pairs (old graph/new graph) and performs the comparison on each pair. If the list consists of n pairs, the macro will create a PowerPoint set of 2n slides (2 slides for each pair) with superimposed pairs of graphs. This set of slides can be visually scanned for the two-colored graphs.

In a similar way, the list of paired MS Word documents or RTF files can be processed and comparisons of documents performed on each pair. In that case, the automation can be carried one step further because WordBasic has the capability to recognize the identical documents, and it is possible to create a macro that deletes from the list all the pairs that are identical and leaves only the pairs with files that differ.

There are probably as many uses for the MS Word macros in conjunction with SAS programming as there are SAS programmers. You can write a macro to search all the files on a disk for the occurrence of a specified string. You can scan saved SAS logs for error messages and warnings. If you still work in Windows for Workgroups, you may want to create a macro to list the total size of the specified directory. We tried to describe here a few applications that saved us a great deal of manual labor. It should be noted that these applications could be developed and improved with VisualBasic (or another application-building tool), which offers more advanced capabilities. However, WordBasic seems to suffice in many situations and is widely available to most PC users without having to invest in another software. Our hope is that we will encourage fellow SAS programmers to try these techniques. The time you spend learning the necessary tools would be well spent -- it will save you months of boring work and your company thousands of dollars.


The authors would like to thank Mr. Jianmin Long of Schering Plough, Inc., for developing the macro %RTF during his tenure at Merck & Co., and all reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions.


Reporting from the Field: SAS Software Experts Present Real-World Report-Writing Applications, SAS Institute Inc., 1994

Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2, and Apple Macintosh Applications: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, Product Support Services Application Note, 1994

Microsoft Word Developer's Kit, Microsoft Press, 1995

Appendix A - Macro %RTF Code and Specifications

%macro rtf(n, m, s=30 30, b=1, r=2, o=p, h=0, v=0, hline=b, line=s, last=0, w=);
   %* author: Jianmin Long;
   %*  Copyright Merck & Co., 1996;

   %if &n=0 %then %do;
       %* initialize rtf document;
       put "{\rtf1\ansi \deff0\deflang1033"@;
       %* define fonts;
       put "{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Times New Roman;}";
       put "{\f1\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Symbol;}";
       put "{\f2\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Arial;}" @;
       %* add other fonts using f3, f3 etc...;
       put "}";
       %* define page orientation;
       %if &o=l %then %do;
           put "\paperw15840\paperh12240\landscape ";
       %* define shortcuts for cell formatting;
       %global e par newpage;
       %let e='\cell\intbl\row\pard ';
       %* define keyword for new page;
       %let newpage=%str(put '\page \par \pard '; );
       %* define keyword for line break;
       %let par=%str(put '\pard\par '; );
      %* define closing for a table;
   %else %if &n > 31 %then %do;
       put "\pard\par }";
   %else %do;
     %global dbline;
     %* define keyword for double line to use in table formatting;
     %let dbline=%str(put '\sl-20 \slmult0 \par \pard '; );
     %* break complex parameters r,v and h into "words";
     %do i=1 %to %length(&r);
         %if %length(%scan(&r, &i)) %then %do; %let num_of_r=&i; %end;
       %do i=1 %to %length(&v);
         %if %length(%scan(&v, &i)) %then %do; %let num_of_v=&i; %end;
       %do i=1 %to %length(&h);
         %if %length(%scan(&h, &i)) %then %do; %let num_of_h=&i; %end;
       %* if all vertical borders are requested, calculate how many columns
          in the table and define borders coding;
       %if &v=a %then %do;
            %do i=1 %to &n;
                %let vl&i=\clbrdrr\brdrhair; %end;
       %* define vertical borders coding so only requested cell borders show;
       %else %do;
          %do i=1 %to &n; %let vl&i= ; %end;
          %if &v ne 0 %then %do;
             %do i=1 %to &num_of_v;
                 %let ii=%scan(&v, &i);
                 %let vl&ii=\clbrdrr\brdrhair; %end;

       %* if this is last row in the table, make bottom border double line;
       %if &last=1 %then %do;
         %do i=1 %to &n;
         %let hl&i=\clbrdr&hline\brdrdb; %end;
       %* for other rows, define horizontal borders coding so only requested cell borders show;
       %else %do;
           %if &h=a %then %do;
               %do i=1 %to &n;
               %let hl&i=\clbrdr&hline\brdrhair; %end;
           %else %do;
             %do i=1 %to &n; %let hl&i= ; %end;
             %if &h ne 0 %then %do;
                %do i=1 %to &num_of_h;
                  %let ii=%scan(&h, &i);
                  %let hl&ii=\clbrdr&hline\brdrhair; %end;

       %* define the width of the table in pixels ;
       %* default width is 9000 pixels for portrait and 12240 for landscape;
       %if %length(&w)=0 %then %do;
           %if &o=p %then %do;
               %let tw=9000;
           %else %if &o=l %then %do;
               %let tw=12240;
       %* for requested table width in inches, convert width to pixels;
       %else  %do;
           %let tw=%eval(1440*&w/(10**(%length(&w) - 1));

       %* determine if the position of all decimal alignments is the same (r=1);
       %if &num_of_r = 1 %then %do;
       %* define the tag for the position of the decimal point ;
           %if &r > 32 %then %do;
             %* decimal point of 1st cell will be just left of the cell middle;
               %let r1=%eval(32 - &r);
           %else %do;
               %let r1=&r;
              %* decimal point of 1st cell will be at r/64 of cell width;
         %do i=2 %to &n; %let r&i=&r1; %end;
          %* decimal points for other cells fsame as 1st cell;
       %else %do;
          %do i=1 %to &n;
             %let r&i=%scan(&r, &i); %* break parameter r into words;
             %if &&r&i > 32 %then %do;
             %* decimal point of ith cell will be just left of the cell middle;
                %let r&i=%eval(32 - &&r&i); %end;
       %global nl bl br bc cl cr cc nc next;
       %* break complex parameter s into distance from top (sb) and from bottom (sa);
       %let sb=%scan(&s, 1);
       %let sa=%scan(&s, 2);

       %* code tags for 1st cell in a row under left-, center-, and right-justification;
       %let bl="\intbl\ql\sb&sb\sa&sa ";
       %let bc="\intbl\qc\sb&sb\sa&sa ";
       %let br="\intbl\qr\sb&sb\sa&sa ";
       %* code tags for other cells in a row under left-, center-, and right-justification;
       %let cl="\cell\pard\intbl\ql\sb&sb\sa&sa ";
       %let cc="\cell\pard\intbl\qc\sb&sb\sa&sa ";
       %let cr="\cell\pard\intbl\qr\sb&sb\sa&sa ";

       %let next="\cell\pard";
       %let nc="\cell\pard";

       %if &n=1 %then %do;
          %global dl1;
           %let nl=%str( "\intbl\cell\intbl\row\pard"; );
       %else %do;
           %do temp=1 %to &n;
                 %global dl&temp;
           %let nl=%str( '\intbl\cell' @; );
           %do i=1 %to %eval(&n-1);
             %let nl=%str( &nl put '\cell' @; );
           %let nl=%str( &nl put '\intbl\row\pard'; );
       put "\trowd\trgaph108\trleft0\trqc";
       %* code and print tags if outer borders of the table are requested;
       %if &b = 1 %then %do;
         put "\trbrdrt\brdr&line\brdrw15\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw15";
         put "\trbrdrb\brdr&line\brdrw15\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw15"; %end;

       %if &n = 1 %then %do;
           %* code and print tags if the table has only one column;
           put "&hl1&vl1\cellx&tw\pard";
           %* code decimal alignment tags for the table with only one column;
           %let dt1=%eval((32+(&r1))*&tw/64 - 108);
       %else %do;
           %* code and print tags if the table has more than one column;
         %let t=0;
         %if %length(&m) %then %do;
             %do i=1 %to &n;
                 %let dd&i=%scan(&m, &i);
                 %let t=%eval(&t+&&dd&i);
                 %let cw&i =&t; %end;
             %do i=1 %to &n;
                 %let w&i=%eval(&&cw&i*&tw/&t);
                 %let dt&i=%eval((32+(&&r&i))*&&dd&i*&tw/(64*&t) - 108);
                 put "&&hl&i&&vl&i\cellx&&w&i" @; %end;
         %else %do;
            %do i=1 %to &n;
                %let w&i=%eval(&i*&tw/&n);
                %let dt&i=%eval(&w1*(32+(&&r&i))/64 - 108);
                put "&&hl&i&&vl&i\cellx&&w&i" @; %end;
       put "\pard";
       %* code tags for decimal alignment;
       %let dl1="\intbl\sb&sb\sa&sa\tqdec\tx&dt1\tx%eval(&dt1+80)\tab ";
       %do i=2 %to &n;
   %let dl&i="\cell\pard\intbl\sb&sb\sa&sa\tqdec\tx&&dt&i\tx%eval(&&dt&i+80)\tab ";
   %mend rtf;


Figure 5: Explanation of the Macro Parameters of the %RTF Macro (default values in parentheses)

Parameter Type Description
N integer Number of columns in the table.
N=0 is used to initiate the table, N=100 is used to close the table.
M string of integers Relative width of columns. If used, the number of elements in the string M must be equal to the macro parameter N. If m is not specified, all columns have equal width. (optional)
S (=30 30) pair of integers Space (in twips) between the text and the top and the bottom of the cell, respectively.
B (=1) 0 or 1 If B=0, table has no outer border. If B=1, table has an outer border.
R (=2) string of integers Defines the position of a decimal point in cells containing numbers. Used if decimal alignment is requested (see global macro variables &DL1, DL2, and so on below). The number of elements in the string defining R must be either 1 or must be equal to the number of columns (N). If R has one element, this value is used for all columns. If the element or the string R is less than 32, the decimal point is placed at (R/64)*(width of the cell) from the right border of the cell (for example, if R=16, then the decimal point is placed at the three-quarters of the cell width). If R>32, then the decimal point is placed just to the left from the middle of the cell.
O (=P) P or L O=P requests a portrait orientation for the page; O=L requests a landscape orientation.
H (=0) 0, A, or a string of integers Specifies which cells have horizontal borders. H=A requests that all cells have horizontal borders. H=1 3 5 specifies that 1st, 3rd, and 5th cells have horizontal borders. H=0 specifies that no cell has a horizontal border. Placement of the border (top or bottom) is determined by the value of a macro parameter hline
V (=0) 0, A, or a string of integers Specifies which cells have right borders. V=A requests that all cells have right borders. V=1 3 5 specifies that 1st, 3rd, and 5th cells have right borders. If V=0, then no cell has a right border.
HLINE (=B) B or T Specifies horizontal border placement, top (T) or bottom (B).
LINE (=S) S or DB Defines the line style for outer horizontal border, single (S) or double (DB).
LAST (=0) 0 or 1 LAST=1 is used for the last row of the table to enable the double bottom border.
W integer Specifies the width of the table in inches; if decimal number is needed, omit the decimal point (for example, W=5 means 5" and W=55 means 5.5"). Specified width must be less than 10 inches (W=100 means 1", W=110 means 1.1")


Figure 6: Explanation of the Global Macro Variables Defined by the Macro %RTF

&BL, &BC, &BR Used with a PUT statement to indicate the beginning of the first cell in a row. Mandatory, unless a &DL1variable is used instead. The last character defines the justification of the text in the first cell (R=right, L=left, C=center)
&CL, &CC, &CR Used with a PUT statement to indicate all other cells in a row except the first one. Mandatory for each column, unless &DL* is used instead, where * stands for explicit column number. The last character defines the justification of the text in the cell (R=right, L=left, C=Center).
&DL1, &DL2, and so on Used to define a decimal alignment within a column. If used instead of &BL, &BC, &BR, &CL, &CC or &CR, the number ending &DL* must match the column number. The position of the decimal point is defined by a macro variable R.
&E Indicates the end of a row. Mandatory.
&PAR Inserts a paragraph mark. Used to separate two tables from each other (for example, if you define the first table with B=0 option for titles and the second table with B=1). Note: Do not use a "PUT" statement with this variable, because put is a part of its definition.
&NEWPAGE Inserts a page break. Note: Do not use a PUT statement with this variable, because PUT is a part of its definition.
&NL Inserts an empty row in a table. Use this variable with a PUT statement.


Figure 7: Other Useful RTF Keywords

\B, \B0 turns bold font on (\B) and off (\B0) PUT&BC "\B Title \B0" &E;
\I , \I0 turns italic font on (\I) and off (\I0) PUT &BC "\I Title \I0" &e;
\UL, \UL0 turns underline on (\UL) and off (\UL0) PUT &BC "\ul Title \ul0" &e;
\F0 turns times new roman font on (default) See below
\F1 turns Symbol font on "\f1 b\f0 -Agonist" will produce
\SUB, \SUPER turns subscript and superscript on "1 {\super st} and" will produce "1st and"
\NOSUPERSUB turns both subscript and superscript off "1\super st\nosupersub and" will produce "1st and"
\FSXX used to define the font size (in 2*points) \FS20 defines a font size 10
"\fs28 Note" will produce "Note"


Appendix B - About the Word Macro InsertAllFiles

The macro InsertAllFiles can be installed by downloading the proper Word template. There are two versions of the macro InsertAllFiles provided with this article. One is for Word 97; the other is for Word 6.0/95. Inst_97.dot is the file to download for use with Word 97; the text for this interface is shown in Appendix C.2. Inst_6.dot is the file to download for use with Word 6.0/95; the text for this interface is shown in Appendix D.2.

The version for Word 97 has all the functionality described in this article; however, the version for Word 6.0/95 is more limited. Two of the most important limitations of this code follow:

  1. The user must hard-code all drive letters to be used in the macro code.

  2. There is no provision for saving or restoring the settings.

From either template you can view the code of the macro without installing it on your system. If you choose to install the macro, you can run it by selecting its name from the Tools/Macro window and clicking on "Run". Alternatively, you can place a button invoking the macro on the toolbar. Refer to MS Help for instructions to do so.

Follow these steps to download the Word 97 version of InsertAllFiles macro:

  1. Download the Word 97 template from the following web location:


  2. Open the template document in Word 97. Depending on your browser configuration, the template may open automatically when you download it; if not, you must save it on your hard drive and and open it manually.

  3. Follow the instructions provided in the template to install the macro or to view the code. The code is also available in this article as Appendix C.1.

Follow these steps to download the Word 6.0/95 version of InsertAllFiles macro:

  1. Download the Word 6.0/95 template from the following web location:


  2. Open the template document in Word 6.0/95. Depending on your browser configuration, the template may open automatically when you download it; if not, you must save it on your hard drive and and open it manually.

  3. Follow the instructions provided in the template to install the macro or to view the code. The code is also available in this article as Appendix D.1.

Appendix C - Macro InsertAllFiles for Word 97

Appendix C.1 - Macro Code

   ' The code for the form frmInsertAllFiles.

   VERSION 5.00
   Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} frmInsertAllFiles
      Caption         =   "Select Files to Insert"
      ClientHeight    =   7620
      ClientLeft      =   45
      ClientTop       =   330
      ClientWidth     =   10425
      OleObjectBlob   =   "frmInsertAllFiles.frx":0000
      StartUpPosition =   1  'CenterOwner
   Attribute VB_Name = "frmInsertAllFiles"
   Attribute VB_Creatable = False
   Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
   Attribute VB_Exposed = False

   ' copyright Iza Peszek, Merck & Co. Inc., 1998
   ' All Rights Reserved
   Dim currentExt As String
   Dim currentTitExt As String
   Dim currentPath As String
   Dim currentFileName As String

   Dim myDialog As Dialog

   Dim msg As String
   Dim sel_file As String, nextfile As String, prev_file As String
   Dim potentialGraphFile As String, potentialGraphPath As String
   Dim potentialTitleFile As String, potentialTitlePath As String
   Dim pgfname As String, ptfname As String, ptfext As String
   Dim tmp As String
   Dim sName As String, SFN As String
   Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
   Dim selected_position As Integer

   Dim ext(40)
   Dim titext(40)
   Dim allFiles() As String

   Private Sub GetFilesAndDirs(myPath As String, ext As String)
   ' function to populate
   ' list box lstDirectoryContent with files in the selected directory
   ' input parameters: directory name, extension of files to filter

   'print path to current directory in label lblCurrentDirectory
   lblCurrentDirectory.Caption = myPath

   'populate files list
   ChDir myPath
   ReDim allFiles(0)
   j = 0
   If Right(myPath, 1) <> "\" Then myPath = myPath & "\"
   currentFileName = Dir(ext, vbNormal)
   Do Until currentFileName = ""
     'Ignore the current directory and the encompassing directory.
     If currentFileName <> "." And currentFileName <> ".." Then
     If (GetAttr(myPath & currentFileName) And vbNormal) < 16 Or _
       (GetAttr(myPath & currentFileName) And vbNormal) >= 32 Then
       ReDim Preserve allFiles(j)
       allFiles(j) = currentFileName
       j = j + 1
      End If
     End If
   currentFileName = Dir
   'sort array allFiles
   For i = LBound(allFiles) To (UBound(allFiles) - 1)
     For j = (i + 1) To UBound(allFiles)
       If UCase(allFiles(i)) > UCase(allFiles(j)) Then
          tmp = allFiles(i)
          allFiles(i) = allFiles(j)
          allFiles(j) = tmp
       End If
     Next j
   Next i
   'populate listbox
   lstDirectoryContent.List = allFiles
   End Sub
   Private Sub InsertFileIntoList(PositionFrom As Integer, PositionTo As Integer)
   'positionFrom, positionTo are file numbers starting with 1
      lstFilestoProcess.AddItem Str(PositionTo), PositionTo
      lstFilestoProcess.List(PositionTo, 1) = lstDirectoryContent.List(PositionFrom)
      lstFilestoProcess.List(PositionTo, 2) = lblCurrentDirectory
       For k = (PositionTo) To (lstFilestoProcess.ListCount - 1)
         lstFilestoProcess.List(k, 0) = Str(k + 1)
   End Sub

   Private Sub cbSave_Click()
   'allows user to save the settings of the current section
   ' ask for filename to save
   sName = InputBox(prompt:="Enter a unique name for these settings", _
           Title:="Save Settings", _
   SFN = "C:\InsertAllFiles.txt"
   'file name for PrivateProfileString file
   'System.PrivateProfileString("C:\InsertAllFiles.txt", "MacroSettings", _
       "LastFile") = ActiveDocument.Fullname
   End Sub

   Private Sub cbRestore_Click()

   End Sub

   Private Sub cmbFileFilter_Change()
   ' after user changes filter for file extension,
   ' update file list
   Call GetFilesAndDirs(lblCurrentDirectory.Caption, cmbFileFilter.Text)
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmbTitExt_Change()
   'titext_ = cmbTitExt.Text
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
   'check if file is selected in lstDirectoryContent
   'if no file selected then do nothing
   If lstDirectoryContent.ListIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub

   If lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex = -1 Then
   ' if no file selected in lstListofFile, append file at the end
   Call InsertFileIntoList(lstDirectoryContent.ListIndex, lstFilestoProcess.ListCount)

     ' if file is selected in lstFilesToProcess, insert new file below it
     Call InsertFileIntoList(lstDirectoryContent.ListIndex, lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex + 1)
   End If
   'set focus in lstDirectoryContent on next file
   If lstDirectoryContent.ListIndex < lstDirectoryContent.ListCount - 1 Then
     lstDirectoryContent.ListIndex = lstDirectoryContent.ListIndex + 1
   End If
   If (lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex < lstFilestoProcess.ListCount - 1 _
         And lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex > -1) Then
     lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex = lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex + 1
   End If

   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdAddAll_Click()

   If lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex = -1 Then
      'if no file selected in lstFilestoProcess, add all new files at the end

      For i = 0 To (lstDirectoryContent.ListCount - 1)
       Call InsertFileIntoList(i, lstFilestoProcess.ListCount)
      'if file is selected in lstFilestoProcess, add all new files below it
      selected_position = lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex
      For i = 0 To (lstDirectoryContent.ListCount - 1)
         Call InsertFileIntoList(i, selected_position + 1)
         selected_position = selected_position + 1
   End If
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdDown_Click()
   'check if file is selected and that it is not the last

   i = lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex
   If i > -1 And i < (lstFilestoProcess.ListCount - 1) Then

   'move 2nd column
      sel_file = lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1)
      nextfile = lstFilestoProcess.List(i + 1, 1)
      lstFilestoProcess.List(i + 1, 1) = sel_file
      lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1) = nextfile
   'move 3rd column
      sel_file = lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2)
      nextfile = lstFilestoProcess.List(i + 1, 2)
      lstFilestoProcess.List(i + 1, 2) = sel_file
      lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2) = nextfile
   'keep focus on previous file
   lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex = i + 1

   End If
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
   'hide form
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdRemove_Click()
   'check if file is selected in lstFilestoprocess
   'if no file selected then do nothing
   If lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub

      lstFilestoProcess.RemoveItem lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex
      For i = (lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex) To _
          (lstFilestoProcess.ListCount - 1)
         lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 0) = Str(i + 1)

   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdRemoveAll_Click()
   For i = 0 To lstFilestoProcess.ListCount - 1
     lstFilestoProcess.RemoveItem 0
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdRestore_Click()
   'restore previously saved settings
   ' display a FileOpen dialog box
   With Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen)
     ans = .Display
     SFN = .Name
   End With
   ' add path to file name
   If Right(CurDir, 1) = "\" Then
     SFN = CurDir & SFN
     SFN = CurDir & "\" & SFN
   End If
   If ans <> -1 Then
     'if user cancelled, do nothing
    Exit Sub
       'if user selected file, retrieve the settings

       'get list of files
       'get size of the list
       k = System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "FileList", "ListSize")
       'get list
       For i = 0 To (k - 1)
       lstFilestoProcess.AddItem Str(i + 1)
       lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1) = _
         System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "FileList", "f" & Str(i * 2))
       lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2) = _
         System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "FileList", "f" & Str(i * 2 + 1))

       Next i
       'get current directory
        lblCurrentDirectory.Caption = _
          System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "CurDir", "CurDir")

       'get file filter
       cmbFileFilter.Text = System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "FileFilter")
       'get whether Insert files as links
       cbLinkid.Value = System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "LinkId")
       'get whether Insert header
       cbHeadid.Value = System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "HeaderId")
       'get title extension filter
       cmbTitExt.Text = System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "TitExt")
       'get graph orientation preference
       cmbGraphOrientation.ListIndex = System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "GO")

       'populate directory content list
       If cmbFileFilter.Text = "" Then cmbFileFilter.Text = "*.*"
       Call GetFilesAndDirs(lblCurrentDirectory.Caption, cmbFileFilter.Text)
   End If

   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
   'save current settings
   ' display a FileSave dialog box
   ' to enable fileSaveAs dialog box, activate word and create a new document
   ' in case none is open
   With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
     ans = .Display
     SFN = .Name
   End With
   ' add path to file name
   If Right(CurDir, 1) = "\" Then
     SFN = CurDir & SFN
     SFN = CurDir & "\" & SFN
   End If
   'close created file
   ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges

   If ans <> -1 Then
     'if user cancelled, do nothing
    Exit Sub
       'if user selected file, write the settings

       'write list of files
       'write size of the list
       System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "FileList", "ListSize") = lstFilestoProcess.ListCount
       'write list
       For i = 0 To (lstFilestoProcess.ListCount - 1)
         System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "FileList", "f" & Str(i * 2)) = _
           lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1)
         System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "FileList", "f" & Str(i * 2 + 1)) = _
           lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2)
       Next i
       'write current directory
       System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "CurDir", "CurDir") = _
       'write file fiter
       System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "FileFilter") = _
       'write whether Insert files as links
       System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "LinkId") = cbLinkid.Value
       'write whether Insert header
       System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "HeaderId") = cbHeadid.Value
       'write title extension filter
       System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "TitExt") = cmbTitExt.Value
       'write graph orientation preference
       System.PrivateProfileString(SFN, "Preferences", "GO") = cmbGraphOrientation.ListIndex

   End If
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdSelDir_Click()

   ' open word Dialog file open
   ' if user selected OK, display the path and populate lstDirectorycontent
    If Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen).Display <> 0 Then
     lblCurrentDirectory.Caption = CurDir
     'populate lstDirectoryContent
      Call GetFilesAndDirs(lblCurrentDirectory.Caption, cmbFileFilter.Text)
   End If
   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdSwitchid_Click()

   'check if user selected extension for graph titles
   If ((Trim(cmbTitExt.Text) = "") Or (Trim(cmbTitExt.Text) = "*.*")) Then
     MsgBox ("You must specify extension of files with titles of graph")
       ' display explanation
       msg = "Use this button only if" + Chr(13) + _
         "files with graph titles have the same name as graph files but different extension"
       msg = msg + Chr(13) + "and"
       msg = msg + Chr(13) + "file titles immediately follow corresponding graphs in the list"
       'if user cancelled, do nothing
       If MsgBox(msg) = 2 Then Exit Sub
       ' otherwise switch order of files and graphs
       For i = 1 To (lstFilestoProcess.ListCount - 1)
          potentialGraphFile = lstFilestoProcess.List(i - 1, 1)
          potentialGraphPath = lstFilestoProcess.List(i - 1, 2)
          potentialTitleFile = lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1)
          potentialTitlePath = lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2)
          'separate file name and file extension
          pgfname = Mid(potentialGraphFile, 1, InStr(potentialGraphFile, ".") - 1)
          ptfname = Mid(potentialTitleFile, 1, InStr(potentialTitleFile, ".") - 1)
          ptfext = Right$(Trim(potentialTitleFile), 3)

          If (UCase(ptfext) = UCase(Mid(cmbTitExt.Text, 3, 3))) And _
             (UCase(pgfname) = UCase(ptfname)) Then
            'if current file is a graph title file,
            ' and file name is the same as previous file,
            ' switch order with previous file
             lstFilestoProcess.List(i - 1, 1) = potentialTitleFile
             lstFilestoProcess.List(i - 1, 2) = potentialTitlePath
             lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1) = potentialGraphFile
             lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2) = potentialGraphPath
          End If
   End If

   End Sub

   Private Sub cmdUp_Click()
   'check if file is selected and that it is not the first

   i = lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex
   If i > 0 Then
   'move 2nd column
      sel_file = lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1)
      prevfile = lstFilestoProcess.List(i - 1, 1)
      lstFilestoProcess.List(i - 1, 1) = sel_file
      lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1) = prevfile
   'move 3rd column
      sel_file = lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2)
      prevfile = lstFilestoProcess.List(i - 1, 2)
      lstFilestoProcess.List(i - 1, 2) = sel_file
      lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2) = prevfile
   'keep focus on previous file
   lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex = i - 1
   End If
   End Sub

   Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
   msg = "To improve the efficiency of file processing, you can:" + Chr(13) + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "1. Create files using filenames that follow intended sort order, i.e., File1.rtf, File2.rf, File3.cgm, File4.rtf" + Chr(13) + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "2. Store titles of graphs in rtf of text files using the same name as corresponding graph but different extension" + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "   title extension following graph extension in alphabetical order i.e., Sales.aaa (title) and Sales.cgm (graph)" + Chr(13) + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "3. Store all files that you want to insert into one document in the same folder" + Chr(13) + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "4. Store your list of file if you think you may need to reuse it" + Chr(13) + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "5. If your files may need updating, insert them as links and update links when need arises" + Chr(13) + Chr(13)
   MsgBox prompt:=msg, Title:="Tips for efficient file processing", buttons:=vbOKOnly
   End Sub

   Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
   'display About information
   msg = "Macro InsertAllFiles v. 2.0" + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "Copyright Iza Peszek, Merck & Co., Inc., 1998" + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "All Rights Reserved"
   MsgBox prompt:=msg, Title:="About InsertAllFiles", buttons:=vbOKOnly
   End Sub

   Private Sub lstDirectoryContent_Click()
     LblThisFileName.Caption = lstDirectoryContent.Text
   End Sub

   Private Sub lstDirectoryContent_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
   Call cmdAdd_Click
   End Sub

   Private Sub lstFilesToProcess_Click()
   'display file name and path in status bar
   msg = "file name: " + lstFilestoProcess.List(lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex, 1)
   msg = msg + Chr(13)
   msg = msg + "directory: " + lstFilestoProcess.List(lstFilestoProcess.ListIndex, 2)
   LblThisFileName.Caption = msg

   End Sub

   Private Sub lstFilestoProcess_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
   Call cmdRemove_Click
   End Sub

   Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

   ext(0) = "*.*"
   ext(1) = "*.doc"
   ext(2) = "*.rtf"
   ext(3) = "*.txt"
   'list more extensions if you wish

   ' define extensions for files with graph titles
   titext(0) = "*.tit"
   titext(1) = "*.ttl"
   titext(2) = "*.*" 'add your extensions
   'list more title extensions if you wish

   currentPath = CurDir
   currentExt = "*.*"
   currentTitExt = "*.ttl"

   'display current path in label lblCurrentDirectory in the form
   lblCurrentDirectory.Caption = currentPath

   'populate form controls: list of drives, list of file extensions
   ' and list of extensions for graph titles with preset values
   cmbFileFilter.List() = ext
   cmbFileFilter.Text = currentExt
   cmbTitExt.List() = titext
   cmbTitExt.Text = currentTitExt

   ' populate directory content
   Call GetFilesAndDirs(currentPath, currentExt)
   ' display options for Graph orientation
   cmbGraphOrientation.ColumnCount = 2
   cmbGraphOrientation.AddItem "Portrait"
   cmbGraphOrientation.List(0, 1) = 0
   cmbGraphOrientation.AddItem "Landscape"
   cmbGraphOrientation.List(1, 1) = 1
   cmbGraphOrientation.BoundColumn = 2
   cmbGraphOrientation.Style = fmStyleDropDownList
   cmbGraphOrientation.ListIndex = 0
   'End With

   End Sub

   ' The code for InsertAllFile macro
   ' (the part of macro that runs after user closes the form).
   ' Copyright Iza Peszek, Merck & Co. Inc., 1998
   ' All Rights Reserved.

   Dim i As Integer, tmp As Integer, sizeOfList As Integer
   Dim ContOrient As Integer, ContPW As Integer, ContPH As Integer
   Dim NFOrient As Integer, NFPW As Integer, NFPH As Integer

   Dim titleext As String, Fullname As String
   Dim fileextension As String
   Dim ContFile As Object
   Dim prevFile_wasTitle As Boolean
   Public Sub InsertAllFiles()
   'display form

   ' determine the extension of graph titles
   If Len(frmInsertAllFiles.cmbTitExt.Text) < 3 Then
     titleext = "..."
     titleext = LCase(Right$(frmInsertAllFiles.cmbTitExt.Text, 3))
   End If
   'open new file and assign a name so we can refer to it
   Set ContFile = Application.Documents.Add

   'insert files from the list

   prevFile_wasTitle = False
   'used to remember if previously inserted file was a title of a graph
    sizeOfList = frmInsertAllFiles.lstFilestoProcess.ListCount - 1

   For i = 0 To sizeOfList

   'display message in the status bar showing progress
   StatusBar = "Processing file " & Str(i + 1) & " of " & Str(sizeOfList + 1)

     ' create full names of files (with path)
     If Right$(frmInsertAllFiles.lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2), 1) <> "\" Then
        Fullname = frmInsertAllFiles.lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2) _
           & "\" & frmInsertAllFiles.lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1)
        Fullname = frmInsertAllFiles.lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 2) _
          & frmInsertAllFiles.lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1)
     End If

   ' determine the orientation of the last section of the container file
        ContOrient = ContFile.Sections.Last.PageSetup.Orientation
        ContPH = ContFile.Sections.Last.PageSetup.PageHeight
        ContPW = ContFile.Sections.Last.PageSetup.PageWidth

     ' determine if file exist
      If Dir(Fullname) = "" Then

          'if no such file exists, insert page break
          'and the statement "file FullName was not found"
           If i > 0 Then Call Insert_PB_at_EOF
           Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
           Selection.InsertAfter "file " & Fullname & " was not found"
           Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
        ' if file exists
        ' determine what kind of break is needed and insert break if needed
        ' then insert file

         ' determine file extension
         fileextension = LCase(Right$(frmInsertAllFiles.lstFilestoProcess.List(i, 1), 3))

         Select Case fileextension

          Case "cgm", "tif", "jpg", "wmf", "bmp", "gif"
             ' check if previous file was a graph title
             ' if so, insert paragraph
             ' if not, check if last section has orientation specified for graphs
             ' if so, insert page break
             ' if not, insert section break and apply appropriate orientation
             If prevFile_wasTitle Then
                With Selection
                   .EndKey Unit:=wdStory
                   .Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
                End With
                 If ContOrient = frmInsertAllFiles.cmbGraphOrientation.Value Then
                    If i > 0 Then Call Insert_PB_at_EOF 'insert page break
                   tmp = frmInsertAllFiles.cmbGraphOrientation.Value
                    Call Insert_SB_at_EOF(wbPortrait, tmp * 612 + (1 - tmp) * 792, tmp * 792 + (1 - tmp) * 612, i)
                 End If
             End If

          Case titleext
             ' check if last section was portrait
             ' if so, insert page break
             ' if not, insert section break and apply portrait orientation

             If ContOrient = wbPortrait Then
                If i > 0 Then Call Insert_PB_at_EOF
                Call Insert_SB_at_EOF(wbPortrait, 792, 612, i)
             End If
             prevFile_wasTitle = True
            ' remember that this file was graph title

          Case "doc", "rtf", "txt"
             'determine page orientation and page size of first section of this file
             ' if same as last section of the container, insert page break
             ' if different, insert section break and apply settings

              Documents.Open FileName:=Fullname, ReadOnly:=True
                With ActiveDocument.Sections.First.PageSetup
                   NFOrient = .Orientation
                   NFPH = .PageHeight
                   NFPW = .PageWidth
                End With

              If ((ContOrient = NFOrient) And (ContPH = NFPH) And (ContPW = NFPW)) Then
                 If i > 0 Then Call Insert_PB_at_EOF
                 Call Insert_SB_at_EOF(NFOrient, NFPH, NFPW, i)
              End If

          Case Else

             'insert page break and print warning message and skip file insertion
             If i > 0 Then Call Insert_PB_at_EOF
             Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
             Selection.InsertAfter "I do not know what to do with file " & Fullname
             Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd

        End Select

        'move to the end of container file
        With Selection
          .EndKey Unit:=wdStory
          'insert header with file name if user requested it
          If frmInsertAllFiles.cbHeadid.Value = True Then
                 .InsertAfter Fullname
                 .EndKey Unit:=wdStory
           End If
          .Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
          .EndKey Unit:=wdStory
          .Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
         End With
     'insert file : documents as insert file, graphs as insert picture
        Select Case fileextension
           Case "cgm", "tif", "jpg", "wmf", "bmp", "gif"
             'insert graphs
              ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture _
                FileName:=Fullname, linktofile:=frmInsertAllFiles.cbLinkid.Value, _
                Range:=Selection.Range, savewithdocument:=True
             Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
             Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
           Case "doc", "rtf", "txt", titleext
              'insert recognized documents and graph titles
             Selection.InsertFile FileName:=Fullname, _
             Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
           Case Else
               ' do nothing with other files
         End Select

      End If

   End Sub
   Private Sub Insert_PB_at_EOF()
   ' inserts page break at the end of active document
             With Selection
              .EndKey Unit:=wdStory
              .Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
              .Range.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak
              .Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
             End With
   End Sub
   Private Sub Insert_SB_at_EOF(PageOrient, PageHt, PageWdt, SectBreak As Integer)
   ' inserts Section break at the end of active document if SectBreak>0
   ' applies specified settings
   Dim NewSection As Object
        If SectBreak > 0 Then
          Set NewSection = ActiveDocument.Sections.Add
          Set NewSection = ActiveDocument.Sections.Last
        End If

        With NewSection.PageSetup
           .Orientation = PageOrient
           .PageHeight = PageHt
           .PageWidth = PageWdt
        End With
        Set NewSection = Nothing

   End Sub

Appendix C.2 - Template Text for Word 97

To install: Click on the button below to install the macro InsertAllFiles.


To view macro code:

  • Click on Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor.
  • Double-click on the object frmInsertAllFiles (located in the folder Forms in Project window) to displays the form.
  • Double-click anywhere on the form to view the form code.
  • Double-click the module InsertAllFiles (located in the folder Modules in Project window) to view code for the part of the macro that processes the list after the form is closed.


If setup fails, read the notes below.

Note: Macros must not be disabled when opening this file.

Setup will copy the module InsertAllFiles and the form frmInsertAllFiles to NORMAL.DOT template. If your NORMAL.DOT template already has objects with these names, the setup will fail.

In such a case, do the following:

  • Click on Tools/Macro/Organizer
  • Make sure that the macros in NORMAL.DOT are visible.
  • Look for an object named InsertAllFiles in the NORMAL.DOT window.
  • If such an objects exists, rename "InsertAllFiles" objects in INSTR.DOT template window.
  • Repeat these steps with the InsertAllFiles object.
  • Close the Organizer window.
  • Click on the installation button again.

Appendix D - Macro InsertAllFiles for Word 6.0/95

Appendix D.1 - Macro Code

   ' Code for the InsertAllFiles macro for Word 6.0/95.
   ' Copyright Merck & Co., 1996.
   ' All Rights Reserved.

   Dim Shared logdir$
   Dim Shared titext$
   Dim Shared Mylist$(0)
   Dim Shared listsize
   Dim Shared linkid, headid

   Sub MAIN
   ' change directory to the one used last time
   On Error Goto init
   startdir$ = \
     GetPrivateProfileString$("InsertAllFiles", "startdir$", "c:\windows\wrdmacro.ini")
   Goto endinit :
   startdir$ = Files$(".")
   On Error Resume Next
   ChDir startdir$
   On Error Goto 0

   Dim subdirs$(0)
   Dim filelist$(0)
   Dim ListofFiles$(0)

   ' list all drives that you may use here,
   ' adjust dimension of drives$ if  necessary
   Dim drives$(4)
   drives$(0) = "c:\"
   drives$(1) = "e:\"
   drives$(2) = "q:\"
   drives$(3) = "u:\"

   ' list all file extensions that you may need here,
   ' adjust dimension of ext$ if  necessary
   Dim ext$(3)
   ext$(0) = "*.*"
   ext$(1) = "*.doc"
   ext$(2) = "*.rtf"
   ext$(3) = "*.txt"

   ' define extensions for files with graph titles
   Dim titext$(2)
   titext$(0) = "*.*"
   titext$(1) = "*.tit"
   titext$(2) = "*.ttl"

   ' initialize variables
   linkid = 0
   headid = 0
   dobreak = 0

   ' fill subdirs$ with subdirectories of current one
   ' and filelist with files (pattern=ext$) of current directory
   GetFilesAndDirs subdirs$(), filelist$(), ext$(0)

   ' define a dialog box for user interface
   Begin Dialog UserDialog 964, 440, "Pick Files to Insert", .DirList
           Text 10, 22, 100, 13, "Directories:", .dirtxt
           Text 207, 22, 100, 13, "Files:", .filtxt
           Text 10, 8, 371, 13, dirstring$, .mydir
           ListBox 10, 41, 197, 207, subdirs$(), .dir_id
           ListBox 207, 41, 150, 207, filelist$(), .myfiles
           Text 10, 284, 80, 13, "Drive:", .dr
           DropListBox 10, 300, 88, 110, drives$(), .mydrives
           ListBox 498, 40, 452, 328, ListofFiles$(), .Mylist
           Text 207, 284, 100, 13, "File Types", .ft
           ComboBox 207, 300, 110, 92, ext$(), .FileTypes
       Text 350, 274, 150, 25, "Extention of files with GraphTitless:", \
           ComboBox 367, 300, 110, 92, titext$(), .titext
           CheckBox 7, 396, 188, 16, "Insert Files as LINKS", .linkid
       CheckBox 7, 415, 388, 16, "Insert headers with file path", \
       PushButton 520, 380, 288, 21, "Swith Order of Graphs/Titles", \
           PushButton 368, 39, 121, 21, "Add All", .AddAll
           PushButton 368, 225, 121, 21, "Remove All", .RemoveAll
           PushButton 368, 75, 121, 21, "Add", .Add
           PushButton 368, 109, 121, 19, "Up", .Up
           PushButton 368, 139, 121, 21, "Down", .Down
           PushButton 368, 175, 121, 21, "Remove", .Remove
           OKButton 864, 380, 88, 21
           CancelButton 860, 13, 88, 21

   End Dialog

   ' display dialog

   Dim mydlg As UserDialog
   GetCurValues mydlg
   x = Dialog(mydlg)

   ' after dialog closes, store user selected settings in the INI file
   SetPrivateProfileString  "InsertAllFiles", "startdir$", Files$("."), \

   ' start processing the list

   ' open a new file to hold all files from the list
   fileout$ = WindowName$()

   For i = 0 To listsize - 1
           name$ = nonum$(mylist$(i))
           ext$ = LCase$(Right$(name$, 3))
           Select Case ext$
           Case "doc", "rtf", "txt", "DOC", "RTF", "TXT"
                   On Error Goto Warning
      ' word, rtf and text documents are inserted using InsertFile
      ' with their orientation preserved
                   FileOpen .Name = name$
                   Dim dlg As FilePageSetup
                   GetCurValues dlg
                   orient = dlg.Orientation
                   FileClose 2
                   Activate fileout$
                   Dim dlg As FilePageSetup
                   GetCurValues dlg
                   oldorient = dlg.Orientation
           ' if necessary, insert section breaks to allow for both

           ' landscape and portrait orientation  in one file
                   If oldorient <> orient Then
                           If i > 0 Then InsertBreak .Type = 2
                           Select Case orient
               ' apply original orientation of the selected file
                           Case 1
                                   FilePageSetup .Orientation = 1, .ApplyPropsTo = 0, \
                                            .PageWidth = "11 in", .PageHeight = "8.5 in"
                           Case 0
                                   FilePageSetup .Orientation = 0, .ApplyPropsTo = 0, \
                                           .PageWidth = "8.5 in", .PageHeight = "11 in"
                           End Select
                           If i > 0 Then InsertBreak .Type = 0
                   End If
           ' insert  file name before the file itself
                   ' if user requested to do so
                   If headid = 1 Then      Insert name$
            '  insert file as copy or as link according to user request
                   InsertFile .Name = name$, .Link = linkid
                   dobreak = 0
                   Goto getfile
           Case "cgm", "CGM"
                   On Error Goto Warning
                   Activate fileout$
                   Dim dlg As FilePageSetup
                   GetCurValues dlg
                   oldorient = dlg.Orientation
             ' graphs will be inserted in pages oriented as portrait
                   If oldorient <> 0 Then
                   ' if previous file was landscaped, insert section break
                           ' and apply portrait orientation
                           If (i > 0 And dobreak <> - 1) Then InsertBreak .Type = 2
                           FilePageSetup .Orientation = 0,  .ApplyPropsTo = 0, \
                                    .PageWidth = "8.5 in", .PageHeight = "11 in"
                           If (i > 0 And dobreak <> - 1) Then InsertBreak .Type = 0
                   End If
                   dobreak = 0
            ' insert  file name before the file itself
                    ' if user requested to do so
                   If headid = 1 Then Insert name$
            ' insert graphic file as copy  or as link
                    ' according to user request
                   InsertPicture .Name = name$, .LinkToFile = 2 * linkid
                   Goto getfile
           Case titext$
             ' files holding titles graphs will be inserted in portrait
             ' pages with no page break after title
                   On Error Goto Warning
                   Activate fileout$
                   Dim dlg As FilePageSetup
                   GetCurValues dlg
                   oldorient = dlg.Orientation
            ' if previous file was landscaped, insert section break and
            ' apply portrait orientation
           If oldorient <> 0 Then
                           If (i > 0 And dobreak <> - 1) Then InsertBreak .Type = 2
                           FilePageSetup .Orientation = 0,  .ApplyPropsTo = 0, \
                                    .PageWidth = "8.5 in", .PageHeight = "11 in"
                           If (i > 0 And dobreak <> - 1) Then InsertBreak .Type = 0
                   End If
                   dobreak = - 1
                   If headid = 1 Then Insert name$
            ' insert file as copy or as link according to user request
                    InsertFile .Name = name$, .Link = linkid
                   Goto getfile
           Case Else
           End Select
   Goto bye

   '  warn user if requested file does not exist
      Warning :
           Activate fileout$
           Insert "File  " + name$ + " Does Not Exist"
           On Error Goto 0
           Goto getfile
      End Sub

   ' function to list all files with specified extension in a directory
   ' input parameters: directory name, name of array to hold list files,
   ' extension  of files

     Sub GetFilesAndDirs(subdirs$(), filelist$(), ext$)
     Redim subdirs$(CountDirectories())
     subdirs$(0) = "[..]"
     For x = 1 To CountDirectories()
           subdirs$(x) = LCase$(GetDirectory$(x))
     count = 1
     a$ = Files$(ext$)  'first file in current directory
     While Files$() <> ""
           count = count + 1
     Redim filelist$(count - 1)
     If Files$(ext$) <> "" Then
           filelist$(0) = LCase$(FileNameInfo$(Files$(ext$), 3))
     '   filename of the  first file
           For x = 1 To count - 1
                   filelist$(x) = LCase$(FileNameInfo$(Files$(), 3))
     End If
     If CountDirectories() > 0 Then SortArray subdirs$()
     If count > 1 Then SortArray filelist$()
     End Sub

   '  function used to work with dialog box
      Function DirList(id$, action, wvalue)
      Select Case action
        Case 1             ' The dialog box is displayed
             DlgValue "FileTypes", 0
        ' print the path of the current directory
        ' in the provided text box Mydir
             If Right$(Files$("."), 1) = "\" Then
                   DlgText  "mydir", Files$(".")
                   DlgText  "mydir", Files$(".") + "\"
             End If
           Select Case LCase$(Left$(Files$("."), 3))
       ' populate listbox mydrives with preset drive letters
           Case "c:\"
                   DlgValue "mydrives", 0
           Case "e:\"
                   DlgValue "mydrives", 1
           Case "q:\"
                   DlgValue "mydrives", 2
           Case "u:\"
                   DlgValue "mydrives", 3
           Case Else
           End Select
           listsize = 0
   Case 2          ' The user selects a control
           Select Case id$
           Case "mydrives"
          ' user clicks on drive or directory and all files in this
          ' directory with specified extension are displayed
                   ChDir DlgText$("mydrives")
          DisplayDir("mydrives", "dir_id", "myfiles", "mydir", "FileTypes")
              DirList = 1
           Case "OK"
              Select Case DlgFocus$()
                      Case "OK"
              ' user clicked on OK button : store settings
                      ' and list of files and exit dialog box
                           logdir$ = DlgText$("mydir")
                           linkid = DlgValue("linkid")
                           headid = DlgValue("headid")
                           titext$ = Right$(DlgText$("titext"), 3)
            Case  "FileTypes"
              ' user requested that only specified file extensions will be
              ' listed: update display
             displayDir("mydrives", "dir_id", "myfiles", "mydir", "FileTypes")
                   DirList = 1
                   Case "dir_id"
           '  user double clicked on the directory: update display
                           ChangeDir("dir_id", "mydir")
             displayDir("mydrives", "dir_id", "myfiles", "mydir", "FileTypes")
                           DirList = 1
                   Case "myfiles"
               ' user double-clicked on file name: add file to the list
               ' right below highlighted file
                           newfile$ = DlgText$("mydir") + DlgText$("myfiles")
                           selid = DlgValue("Mylist")
                           Dim tmplist$(listsize)
                           If listsize > 0 Then
                                   For i = 0 To selid
                                           tmplist$(i) = NoNum$(Mylist$(i))
                                   tmplist$(selid + 1) = newfile$
                                   For i = selid + 2 To listsize
                                           tmplist$(i) = Nonum$(Mylist$(i - 1))
                                   tmplist$(listsize) = newfile$
                                   selid = - 1
                           End If

                           Redim Mylist$(listsize)
                           For i = 0 To listsize
                                   Mylist$(i) = MS$(i + 1) + tmplist$(i)
                           DlgListBoxArray "Mylist", Mylist$()
                           DlgValue "Mylist", selid + 1
                           listsize = listsize + 1
                           DirList = 1
                   Case Else
                   End Select
           Case "linkid"
       '  user selected option that files are inserted as links :
           '  store this info
                   dirlist = 1
           Case "headid"
       '  user requested that file name will be inserted below the file:
       '  store this info
                   dirlist = 1
           Case "AddAll"
       ' user requested that all listed files are added to the list: do so
                           selid = DlgValue("Mylist")
                           sizetoadd = DlgListBoxArray("myfiles")
                           Dim addlist$(sizetoadd - 1)
                           size2 = DlgListBoxArray("myfiles", addlist$())
                           If addlist$(0) <> "" Then
                           Dim tmplist$(listsize + sizetoadd - 1)
                           If listsize > 0 Then
                                   For i = 0 To selid
                                           tmplist$(i) = Nonum$(Mylist$(i))
                                   For i = selid + 1 To selid + sizetoadd
                                           tmplist$(i) = \
                                                   DlgText$("mydir") + addlist$(i - selid - 1)
                           For i = selid + sizetoadd + 1 To listsize + sizetoadd - 1
                                           tmplist$(i) = Nonum$(Mylist$(i - sizetoadd - 1))
                                   selid = selid + sizetoadd
                                   For i = 0 To sizetoadd - 1
                                   tmplist$(i) = DlgText$("mydir") + addlist$(i)
                                   selid = sizetoadd - 1
                           End If
                           listsize = listsize + sizetoadd
                           Redim Mylist$(listsize - 1)
                           For i = 0 To listsize - 1
                                   Mylist$(i) = MS$(i + 1) + tmplist$(i)
                           DlgListBoxArray "Mylist", Mylist$()
                           DlgValue "Mylist", selid
                           End If
                           DirList = 1
           Case "RemoveAll"
        '  user requested that all files are removed from the list: do so
                   Redim Mylist$(0)
                   DlgListBoxArray "Mylist", Mylist$()
                   listsize = 0
                   DlgValue "Mylist", - 1
                   DirList = 1
           Case "Add"
        '  user requested that selected file is added to the list : do so
                   newfile$ = DlgText$("mydir") + DlgText$("myfiles")
                   selid = DlgValue("Mylist")
                   selid2 = DlgValue("myfiles")
                   If selid2 > - 1 Then
                   sizefiles = DlgListBoxArray("myfiles") - 1
                   Dim tmplist$(listsize)
                   If listsize > 0 Then
                           For i = 0 To selid
                                   tmplist$(i) = Nonum$(Mylist$(i))
                           tmplist$(selid + 1) = newfile$
                           For i = selid + 2 To listsize
                                   tmplist$(i) = Nonum$(Mylist$(i - 1))
                           tmplist$(listsize) = newfile$
                           selid = - 1
                   End If

                   Redim Mylist$(listsize)
                   For i = 0 To listsize
                           Mylist$(i) = MS$(i + 1) + tmplist$(i)
                   DlgListBoxArray "Mylist", Mylist$()
                   DlgValue "Mylist", selid + 1
                   listsize = listsize + 1
                   If selid2 < sizefiles Then
                           DlgValue "myfiles", selid2 + 1
                           DlgValue "myfiles", - 1
                   End If
                   End If
                   DirList = 1
           Case "Remove"
         '  user requested that selected file is removed from the list:
         ' do so
                   selid = DlgValue("Mylist")
                   listsize = listsize - 1
                   If listsize > 0 Then
                           Dim tmplist$(listsize - 1)
                           For i = 0 To selid - 1
                                   tmplist$(i) = Nonum$(Mylist$(i))
                           For i = selid To listsize - 1
                                   tmplist$(i) = Nonum$(Mylist$(i + 1))
                           Redim Mylist$(listsize - 1)
                           For i = 0 To listsize - 1
                                   Mylist$(i) = MS$(i + 1) + tmplist$(i)
                           Redim Mylist$(0)
                   End If
                   DlgListBoxArray "Mylist", Mylist$()
                   If selid < listsize  Then DlgValue "Mylist", selid
                   dirlist = 1
           Case "Up"
       '  as user requested, move selected file one position up on the list
                   selid = DlgValue("Mylist")
                   If selid > 0 Then
                           tmp1$ = Nonum$(Mylist$(selid))
                           tmp2$ = Nonum$(Mylist$(selid - 1))
                           Mylist$(selid) = MS$(selid + 1) + tmp2$
                           Mylist$(selid - 1) = MS$(selid)  +  tmp1$
                           DlgListBoxArray "Mylist", Mylist$()
                           DlgValue "Mylist", selid - 1
                   End If
                   dirlist = 1
           Case "Down"
       ' as user requested, move selected file
       ' one position down on the list
                   selid = DlgValue("Mylist")
                   If selid < listsize - 1 Then
                           tmp1$ = Nonum$(Mylist$(selid))
                           tmp2$ = Nonum$(Mylist$(selid + 1))
                           Mylist$(selid) = MS$(selid + 1) +  tmp2$
                           Mylist$(selid + 1) = MS$(selid + 2)  + tmp1$
                           DlgListBoxArray "Mylist", Mylist$()
                           DlgValue "Mylist", selid + 1
                   End If
                   dirlist = 1
           '  If title extension is specified then rearrange the list
           '  so titles of graphs are listed  before graphs
           Case "Switchid"
                   For i = 1 To listsize - 1
                           name$ = nonum$(mylist$(i))
                           ext$ = LCase$(Right$(mylist$(i), 3))
   full$ = nonum$(LCase$(Left$(mylist$(i), InStr(mylist$(i), ".") - 1)))
   pfull$ = \
   nonum$(LCase$(Left$(mylist$(i - 1), InStr(mylist$(i - 1), ".") - 1)))

   If (ext$ = Right$(DlgText$("titext"), 3) And full$ = pfull$) Then
           prev$ = mylist$(i - 1)
           curr$ = mylist$(i)
           mylist$(i - 1) = curr$
           mylist$(i) = prev$
   End If
                   Next i
                   DlgListBoxArray "Mylist", Mylist$()
                   Dirlist = 1
           Case Else
           End Select
   Case 3
           Select Case id$
           Case "FileTypes"
       displayDir("mydrives", "dir_id", "myfiles", "mydir", "FileTypes")
           dirlist = 1
           Case "titext"
                   dirlist = 1
           Case Else
                   dirlist = 1
           End Select
   Case Else
   End Select
   End Function

   Sub ChangeDir(dir$, label$)
   ' function that changes current directory to the selected one
   ' first argument is a subdirectory name,
   ' second argument is the current directory
           If DlgText$(dir$) <> "[..]" Then
                   ChDir DlgText$(label$) + DlgText$(dir$)
               ' full path=current dir + subdir
         ' user clicked on [ ] to (parent directory)
               tmp = Len(DlgText$(label$))
                   If tmp > 3 Then
         ' parent directory is not root, so strip backslash from the path
         ' to parent directory
                           ChDir Mid$(DlgText$(label$), 1, tmp - 1)
                           tmp$ = Files$(".")
                           ChDir ".."
                   End If
           End If
   End Sub

   Sub displayDir(drive$, dir$, file$, label$, type$)
   ' function to populate the label with current directory and listboxes
   ' with subdirectory list and with file list
                   Dim subdirs$(0)
                   Dim filelist$(0)
                   WaitCursor 1
                   GetFilesAndDirs subdirs$(), filelist$(), DlgText$(type$)
                   DlgListBoxArray dir$, subdirs$()
                   DlgListBoxArray file$, filelist$()
                   WaitCursor 0
                   dirstring$ = LCase$(Files$("."))
           If Right$(dirstring$, 1) <> "\" Then dirstring$ = dirstring$ + "\"
                   DlgText$ label$, dirstring$
   End Sub

   Function MS$(number)
   ' function that formats numbers in the file list
   If number < 10 Then
           tmp$ = " " + Str$(number) + "> "
           tmp$ = Str$(number) + "> "
   End If
   MS$ = tmp$
   End Function

   Function NoNum$(word$)
   ' function that strips the numbers from the file list
   pos = InStr(word$, ">")
   tmp$ = Mid$(word$, pos + 2, Len(word$) - pos + 1)
   NoNum$ = tmp$
   End Function

Appendix D.2 - Template Text for Word 6.0/95

Note: Do not install this macro if you are using Office 97.

To install the macro InstallAllFiles, click on the Install macro InsertAllFiles" button on the toolbar above.

To view macro code:

  • Click on Tools/Macro.
  • Select the macro InstallAllFiles from the list.
  • Click on the Edit button.

Questions and comments should be directed to:

Iza Peszek, PhD.
Merck & Co., Inc.
P. O. Box 2000, RY33-404
Rahway, NJ 07065-0900
E-mail: peszeks@erols.com

Modified code is not supported by the author or SAS Institute.

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